Monday, September 6, 2010

Interracial Relationships

"Dear Jenny,

I am a 20 year old college student who is living in an apartment this year. My parents are very traditional and expect me to date and marry someone of the same race. I am currently dating a wonderful man who is a different race and this has upset my parents. I understand that it's not my problem, it is theirs and I know their dislike is purely racial because they have not met him and already dislike him. I am holding a job to pay for living expenses, but they have to fund my housing because the loan I got came with a high interest rate. What are some ways I can cope when she says negative things about him and about me?

-Struggling College Student" 

Dear Struggling College Student,

People will always be ignorant when it comes to interracial relationships. It is unfortunate that your parents are willing to risk their relationship with you simply because of the color of your partner's skin. They are helping to pay for your living situation, which is very kind of them, but it does not give them the right to tell you who you can and cannot date. You are an adult and only you can make yourself happy. If your boyfriend treats you with love and respect, his skin color should play no part in whether you continue to see him. Your parents are obviously trying to set you up for a good life and they clearly care about you. Once they see how happy he makes you, they will eventually come around. Don't argue with them. Just laugh off their comments and tell them how wonderful he is (you could even make a comment on how he would never judge anyone by their skin color)! Our generation is so amazing because we have learned to look past skin color and see the beauty in every race. Help your parents in seeing that beauty as well and stay strong for you, your man, and every other interracial couple that struggles with these issues in our society.

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